Paterson NJ Criminal Lawyer is the top criminal defense lawyer & law firm that provides legal representation to clients who have been charged with a crime. We understand the exact problems of our clients and give 100% to solve case. For more information kindly contact us or call and get free consultation! Hire an experienced, battle-tested criminal defense lawyer who will work tirelessly on your behalf to get your charges reduced or even dismissed.
Criminal defense attorney Alissa D. Hascup represents clients throughout New Jersey who have been charged with serious criminal offenses such as kidnapping, burglary, terroristic threats, and endangering the welfare of a child. If you have been arrested for domestic violence, DUI or other crime, such as aggravated manslaughter, aggravated assault, consultation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer near me!
Best Criminal Defense Lawyer DUI First Offense NJ Violent Offense aggravated manslaughter